Prayer is the central focus of synagogue life. Our spirituality expresses itself in our joyous and uplifting services that combine music, congregational singing, and inspirational teaching.
Shabbat and Holidays
We welcome the Sabbath each week with a Kabbalat Shabbat service that begins most Friday evenings at 8:00 p.m. A monthly Family Service starts at 6:45 p.m. A lively Oneg, an opportunity to catch up with friends over coffee and desserts, follows the service. There are regularly scheduled dinners to celebrate the full joy of Shabbat together with the community.
Our Saturday morning services take place from 9:30 a.m. to noon. The service is easy to follow and offers many opportunities for participation. The sermon or Dvar Torah begins at 11:00 a.m. and a festive Kiddush luncheon follows the service at noon.
Our Holiday services take place throughout the year according to the Jewish calendar. High Holiday services are especially stirring experiences. Other special holiday events include our outdoor Hanukkah Menorah Lighting, a Tu B’Shvat Seder, a Purim Extravaganza, and our Community Passover Seder.
Daily Minyan
Our morning minyan has been temporarily suspended. If you have any questions or need a minyan for a Yahrzeit, please call the temple office at 732-381-8403.
Sunday minyan meets at 9 a.m. Breakfast follows the service. Check the calendar for up-to-date details.